Monday, 9 November 2015

Fabulous Farm to Fork week in Class 8

In October we had a special week called Farm to Fork week. We learnt in this week about lot of types of food and how far they have to travel to get to our plates and local shops.

We had a visit from the ladies at Tesco and they brought different types of cheeses to try. Our favourite was the spicy cheese because it made our tongue tingle! Tesco also brought fish in to school and we learnt how to hold them and how to take the head off and how to gut a fish - it smelt disgusting! Finally Tesco brought in fresh fruit and vegetables to learn how much we need to eat for a portion (as big as your palm is only one portion).

We had a visit from Betty's farm who brought in a chicken to show us. The chicken was called Betty and we all got to stroke her. We learnt about how chickens lay healthy eggs and that lots of things in our homes have egg in them like make up and cake!

A lady came in to teach us how to milk a cow called Jenny and we had to pull the pretend cows udders to make the milk come out. We learnt how to turn the milk into butter. We then ate our butter on yummy soft  bread.

Written by Jared, Aditya and Connie