After our nice break from school we came back to find out that are new topic is all about Pirates! We were very excited to hear about all of the interesting things to do with Pirates and their lives at sea.
So far we have written acrostic poems about Pirates. These poems don't have to rhyme but the first letter of each line spells out a word going down. We made our poems spell out 'Pirates'.
Last week we made 'Wanted' posters. They have photos of us dressed as mean and angry Pirates. We had to write a description of how the Pirate looked, the reasons why they were wanted and we even offered a reward for their capture! After we wrote on our posters we coffee stained them to make them look old and dirty. Our final job was to gently tear the edges to make them look like historical wanted posters.
We are extremely excited to have Pirate day where we are allowed to dress up as Pirates for the day. We hope to learn about where Pirates visit and how they find the treasure so easily just using a map during this half term.
By Arzoo, Jaskiran and Leianna